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There are many forms of Yoga, and Yoga can mean something different to everyone, but most importantly Yoga is for everyone. Traditionally Yoga was used as a way of life, to open the mind, and to detoxify. Today it is more a physical practice, most people practicing a program of physical postures designed to purify the body and provide the physical strength.
During our practice we will explore Ashtanga & Vinyasa.
Asana (the posture) Pranayama (the breath) & Meditation.
Vinyasa (flow) means the synchronisation of one breath and one movement. When practicing the sequence each movement has either an inhale, or an exhale accompanied with it. The purpose of Vinyasa is for internal cleansing, the combination of breath and movement heats the body internally and increases blood flow therefore warming muscles, lubricating joints and allowing the body to become healthy and strong.
A vinyasa class will guide you through a sequence of postures which will connect with your breath. This can be a great form of meditation, a way to increase flexibility and to build strength.
Ashtanga means 8 limbs, and by following an eight-stage cultivation process the individual can use Yoga to reach a dimension of being. In the Ashtanga tradition there are 6 series of postures - Primary Series, Intermediate Series, and Advanced A, B, C and D. Together we will work through a Modified Primary Series (MPS). Asanas (postures) are performed in a specific order, each asana having a specific health benefit and combined into a flowing sequence, it results in detoxification and realignment of the body and nervous system. As well practicing this system of Yoga will develop inner strength, flexibility and improve general health and well-being.
The 8 limbs of Ashtanga
Yama - Ethical observations
Niyama - Self observations
Asana - Physical postures
Pranayama - Regulation of breath
Pratyahara - Sense withdrawal
Dharana - Concentration
Dhyana - Meditation
Samadhi - Absorption into the universal
"When the breath wanders, the mind in unsteady, but when the breath is still, so is the mind"
- Hatha Yoga Pradipika
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